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The Impact of Social Media on Youth Mental Health: Statistics, Tips & Resources

Social Media's Effect on Young People's Mental Health

Social media is a significant part of young people's lives in the current digital era. Although it has many advantages, like the ability to remain in touch, share experiences, and access information, there is rising worry about its effects on mental health. Young people's wellbeing might suffer from continual exposure to social media, so it's critical to recognise the issues and offer solutions for a healthier online experience.

Information on the Effects of Social Media on Young People's Mental Health

A summary of the research findings Numerous research have looked at the connection between youth mental health and social media use. Here are some intriguing figures that clarify this situation:

  1. Anxiety and depression: According to research, using social media excessively can increase feelings of social isolation and loneliness, both of which are important risk factors for mental health issues. According to a study, teenagers who used social media more frequently were more likely to experience symptoms of anxiety and depression.
  2.  Body Image Issues and Eating Disorders: Adolescent eating disorders are on the rise, and this is partly due to the abundance of manipulated and filtered photos on social media. About 80% of adolescent girls claim to compare their bodies to pictures on social media, which result in poor self-esteem and body dissatisfaction.
  3. Cyberbullying and Online Harassment: People who have been the victims of cyberbullying are more likely to suffer from mental health issues like sadness, anxiety, and low self-esteem. Surprisingly, 34% of young people report having encountered online threats or harassment, underscoring the detrimental effects of these episodes on mental health.

     Use of Social Media by Young People Linked to Mental Health Conditions

Depression and anxiety: Young user’s  ongoing exposure to social media platforms may be a factor in their feelings of worry and sadness. Social media frequently portrays an idealised portrayal of others' lives, which causes young people to compare themselves to other lifestyles and feel inadequate. Constant comparison is a major contributing element. Another issue is "fear of missing out" (FOMO), which arises from the fact that following peers' social activities and experiences on social media can cause anxiety and a sense of exclusion. Additionally, social media's curated nature can cause erroneous self-perception and feelings of inadequacy when one compares their own lives to others' highlight reels.

Resources and Advice for Children and Teens on Social Media and Mental Health

Set Time Limits for Social Media Use

Teenagers and kids should set clear time limits for social media use in order to create a healthy balance between online and offline activities. Young people can keep a healthier connection with social media by scheduling time for hobbies, spending time with friends and family, and exploring other interests outside of the digital world.

Young people now live mostly on social media, which provides them with new channels for enjoyment, information sharing, and conversation. Although it has the potential to be a tremendous instrument for connection and self-expression, it also poses a risk to the mental health of young people. This article will examine how social media affects young people's mental health, present data, and provide advice and resources for kids, teens, parents, and instructors.

Statistics on the effects of social media on young people's mental health

Teenagers who spend more time on social media platforms have a higher risk of developing mental health issues including anxiety and depression, according to a study by the American Psychological Association. According to another study, young people who spend more than two hours each day on social media are more likely to have poor mental health, including feelings of anxiety and dissatisfaction.

Mental Health Issues and Social Media Use Among Young People

Low self-esteem, problems with body image, and social anxiety are just a few of the mental health concerns that young people may experience as a result of the continual comparison and criticism on social media. Negative consequences for mental health are also significantly impacted by cyberbullying and online harassment.

Tips and Resources for Teens and Children on Social Media and Mental Health

Establish Reasonable Time Limits for Social Media Use

• Avoid using social media right before bed because it can interfere with sleep patterns.

• Schedule time for extracurricular pursuits including fitness, hobbies, and socialising with loved ones.

Be Conscious of the Feelings That Using Social Media Causes

• When using social media, be aware of your emotional reactions. Keep an eye out for situations or conversations that make you feel nervous, depressed, or inadequate.

• Take regular pauses from social media to refuel and concentrate on pursuits that make you happy and content.

• Take into account unfollowing individuals or organisations who frequently encourage negative feelings in favour of accounts that encourage inspiration and positivity.

The best way to avoid getting sucked into the negativity trap is to actively filter out unpleasant social media conversations and content

• Surround yourself with positive, encouraging, and helpful online groups that have similar interests and morals.

• Comment on and share pieces that inspire others to engage in meaningful dialogue and spread positivity.

Do Not Believe Everything You See on Social Media

• Acquire media literacy abilities to evaluate the social media stuff you consume.

• Keep in mind that people often only share the highlights of their lives rather than the entirety of them.

• Rather than comparing yourself to others online, put your attention on self-acceptance and learning to value your own special talents and journey.

Tips and Resources for Parents on Social Media and Mental Health

Keep an eye on your kids' reactions to social media

• Encourage your kids to talk openly and without judgement about their online experiences.

• Create a welcoming space for dialogue and encourage them to express any unpleasant feelings or worries they may be experiencing.

Keep an eye on kids' social media to make sure it's not harmful

• Monitor your child's social media interactions and messages on a regular basis for indications of cyberbullying or harassment.

• Explain to your kids the value of privacy settings, how to manage risky circumstances, and how to stay safe online.

Establish and enforce rules for kids' social media use

• Establish explicit time restrictions, acceptable platforms, and behaviour standards for your child's usage of social media.

• To properly monitor and control your child's internet behaviour, think about adopting parental control software or applications.

Be an Excellent Example of Social Media Use

• Set a good example for others by acting ethically and constructively online.

• Have discussions with your child about proper online conduct, deference to others' boundaries, and the consequences of one's behaviour.


While social media has ingrained itself deeply into the lives of young people, it is crucial to use it responsibly in order to safeguard their mental health. Teenagers, kids, and parents may all avoid conflict by setting limits, raising awareness, and making use of the services that are available.